
Growing up you likely watched cartoons and some of those cartoons had heroes in them. Or, maybe you weren’t a watcher and you were more of a reader, so you read through all the Marvel comics you could get your hands on. (insert happy face and a book)

Whether you are a reader or a watcher, a hero is said to be someone who has done something brave, new, or good and who is therefore greatly admired by a lot of people.

Lurepa sees our children as heroes. We’ve seen first hand what they have to go through as a parent and there is no way to sugar coat it - it’s rough. You see, when going through a medical journey, parents, friends and family members see our children and the younger generation as heroes and this is why we have a hero collection. 

We believe it takes a hero to get through some of the toughest medical journeys. And, we aren’t just speaking about our kids - we are talking about the parents, family and friends that learn to go through it hand and hand with you. In fact, it takes a hero to create a hero. 

We cannot wait to support you in your journey!

-The Lurepa Team