
I'll never forget the day and I'll never forget the moment a doctor pulled me to the side to tell me what she felt was going on, how to fix it and simply - how I felt.

She said many things to me that day but the few things that stuck were, "What we have to do is surgery", "There are risks to doing surgery", "We don't know what this mass is but we can guess", "If it's what we think it is they are extremely bloody, it's in a bad spot and that is one of the biggest risks of her surgery". She continued to speak telling me the risks and how dangerous what needed to be done was but honestly - I went numb. By this time, I was in complete shock and trauma began to set in. Its safe to say the parent(s)/caregiver(s) experience is real and undeniably hard.

Lurepå began because I wanted to create a better experience. Really it was the only thing I felt like I could do as parent to help in a situation that I had no control over. Plus, when the risks are so high, you know you have to take in every moment because you don't know the outcome. I took in every moment, embraced the risks and yes, it was hard however I knew in the end she deserved to have and remember more good moments than bad.

Today, I hope Lurepå is something that helps others experiencing one of life's toughest journeys so they too can create beautiful moments, find 'that smile' that defies description yet holds immense power and that stats are changed where we are drawn closer together oppose to further apart.

Said best by my daughter, Lurepå is: 

"Why we started the company Lurepå is for me as a kid. I think that the hospital
is more than a hospital. For me the best part of the hospital was pranking
my nurses. I think no matter what you are growing through you
and your family will have a great time in the
hospital - just like me and my family did in the hospital.

If I could change anything it would be the gowns that we have to wear.
Our company makes gowns so that you and your family don't have to
feel so embarrassed about yourself. Or just you yourself.
Plus, you don't get things to prank your nurses, you have to get some
so that is why we made an Andreas bag."


I think she just gave away some of the special things we are up to, but if you didn't catch it, we are making bags named after some pretty special people we met to help others during an often overwhelming and likely a traumatic time. Most would call them surgeons, doctors, nurses and hospital staff but to us they are like family and good friends.

We are also making adaptive apparel designed to work for everyone not just kids and for ALL ages (no one missed!). 

Come join us in creating smiles - that particular smile.

With love, 

- Lurepa