
The human brain is known to be the most complicated object in the known universe and is also known to be an incredible pattern-making machine.

So to the question, 'why journal'?

Simply said:

  • Maintaining a journal aids in establishing order amid chaos.
  • Sharing personal fears, thoughts, and emotions in a secure space tells the amygdala to calm down fostering relaxation and aids in unwinding at day's end. 
  • It's also recognized for aiding in mental clarity and memory improvement. 

For our clientele, it's accurate that hospitals can be stressful and traumatic at times, so journaling can alleviate some of that stress. This is why we created our LU Lurepa Journal. The neurological benefits of journaling are profound. 

If you're considering a hospital care package to show your support and ensure your loved one knows they're not alone, this is a valuable addition. Each personal journey and inner exploration is an adventure in itself.

- The Lurepa Team