
We know that hospital stays, whether short or long, can feel overwhelming for patients and their families. It can create division, confusion, financial loss, heart ache and more. 

If I can be completely honest with you all, I write many blogs, but every time I write a Lurepa blog I end up in tears. Why? Well, first of all, I refuse to use AI. And secondly, it’s probably because I know, I understand, and I am incredibly sorry to anyone that has to go through this kind of journey. 

It is my hope in all that I do at Lurepa that I am able to help in creating beautiful memories no matter the outcome, help you find the glimmers and that together we can bring hope and laughter to anyone going through some of life’s toughest moments.

Let me share with you a story. This bag was created because as you know during covid we were unable to be in hospital with loved ones. We were at the tail end of covid so the restrictions were less but they were still pretty high for anyone's liking. This bag, though it likely could not have been sent during the beginning of covid, was a bag that allowed my children to communicate in a way only the two of them would understand. A special t-shirt, a favorite teddy, a little note or a prank that they were able to laugh about and share with one another over facetime, this kept them together - in fact it probably brought them closer together.

For many people, this bag may seem like an ordinary bag but to us it definitely is not. It brings a little comfort, a sense of home, cleanliness for every back and forth to and from hospital and the hope that they will be back home soon. 

If you find yourself needing to package up a hospital bag please have a look at ours. We can tell you from experience this one works well for many different reasons and best of all, when you get out, you can use it again, and again, and again.